Monday, May 6, 2013

Design Wall Monday

Actually, it's the design floor today. I spent all day Saturday and half of Sunday putting my Easy Street blocks together. Then I made a quick trip to the LQS for border fabric. I'm doing a small orange border then a larger blue-violet border. My daughter talked me into showing this at the county fair this summer so I have to get it done. For more design walls, check out Judy's blog,


Mary said...

Best of Luck at your County Fair. I'm sure the colors you choose will look great. Isn't it a great feeling to be so close to DONE? Be sure to post the finished top. My Easy Street will be in ours as well.

Rhonda said...

Your Easy Street is stunning. Love the color choices!!

swooze said...

Love your colors.

Jennifer Woo said...

Wow, the colors are fantastic. Good luck this summer.

Jo said...

Your colors are fantastic!

Dar said...

Your Easy Street colors are fabulous! I think I like it better than the original and I'm really partial to purple,lime and turquoise. I wish mine were closer to being done.