Sunday, September 18, 2011

Design Wall Monday

Actually, it's the design floor. This quilt is too big for the design wall. The pattern I was using as my inspiration is called Michigan Crossroads. It's from Quiltmaker (J/F '10). The pattern calls for no sashing but I wasn't happy with the way it was turning out. I was also getting tired of making the blocks, so I drew out an alternative. I tried light and dark sashing and light improved things. It also meant that I could make fewer blocks and still have a twin size quilt. Sorry for the dark picture. It's hard to get a good photo in my living room at night. That's my dog Boo's face in the upper right corner. My other dog Roxy is afraid of the camera and leaves the room whenever I take it out.

I'm going on a quilting retreat in two weeks so I'll be cutting up projects to work on and quilting others for show and tell. I'm planning 6 projects, one of which I hope to have completed by the end of the week. The others are ongoing projects.


marcella said...

Oh wow, love your scrappy quilt! I think you really improved the pattern by adding the sashing.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Looks great, I like the sashing you added!

Linda in Arkansas said...

I agree the sashing improved your quilt - and the blue corner stones make it POP!!! Such a beautiful quilt. Great job!

Melinda said...

Great quilt - I love how different the blocks look depending on the fabric.

kwiltnkats said...

Sure like your derivative of the QM pattern. I was wondering about the nose...Roxy actually leaves? Have you visited Jo's Country Junction blog? Her beagle, Gracie, actually has to be in the lime light. Pets can be such a hoot, in the postive sense of course! Have fun on your retreat. Sandi