Thursday, March 24, 2011

Recovery Projects

This is what I've been working on while I recover from surgery, Churn Dash and Stars. I wish I could have made more blocks so the circular pattern would really show but I was trying to use blocks I had already made for another project that ended up a UFO. At least now it's finished. And I used up most of the fabric. I cut up the leftovers into 4 1/2" squares for the borders. That was the quickest way to finish. I will definately mke this pattern again.

This is my sample block for Making Ends Meet, a new pattern from Judy Laquidara. It's available free on her blog. I changed the colors from the original because I have no orange fabric and I was trying not to buy anything for this project. I only purchased the background. The star points will be scrappy greens and the chains will be scrappy purples. I may have to buy some purple for the final border. I'm not sure I have a piece bi enough. I'll worry about that when I get there.

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