Monday, January 17, 2011

Design Wall Monday

The Christmas tree is put away and the design wall is back where it belongs. On it is a Bonnie Hunter pattern called bricks and stepping stones. While gathering up all the UFOs last month I came across piles of scraps waiting to be cut up and put away. I took care of that and now I can't get my scrap drawers shut again. I need to make some quick scrap quilts to get things under control. This one will be twin size when complete. About half of the blocks are shown in this pic and I only need to make about 1/3 more to finish.


  1. I just love this simple's perfect for using up scraps!

  2. Some of my best quilts have come from not being able to close a drawer. This one is looking great. Good luck getting it put together and finished up.

  3. I swear that scraps just keep on growing not matter how much you use them up! This quilt is really eye catching, I need to check it out on her site.

  4. Very nice! I love that pattern,
